I feel useless, can barely handle a task at a time. Still having trouble just resting. Always feeling sick and tired. It feels like it will never get better. I asked Joel if I've always been this way. He said no way (thank God). But what can I expect, I am, after all, making a new human being that bears God's image and has a little bit of Joel and me in him too. That has to be enough for now. Trying to rest on the gifts God is putting front of me, and the hope that this will end soon. My baby has made it this long now, 10 weeks, a week and a half longer than last time. The pain of the lost baby doesn't seem as sharp anymore, still sad, but not as sharp. God follows through with his promises, even some that we are not aware of yet. I feel like I am in the middle of a passageway looking into the open future with hope and excitement. A new chapter of my life is starting and it feels like God is leading the way.
About Carnegie Stage 23 Most embryos at stage 23 are approximately 56-57 postovulatory days old and measure 23-32 mm in length. Distinguishing criteria for this stage include fusion of the eyelids at the medial and lateral margins, clear distinction of the subdivisions of the upper and lower limbs, the forearms appear at or above the level of the shoulders, the superficial vascular plexus of the head is very close to the vertex, and the external genitalia are well developed but not always sufficiently to distinguish the embryo's sex.