Finally starting to look like a baby! May be thats why the nausea has been getting worse. I can hardly think when I feel sick which is most of the morning and then eases up at miday to start again early afternoon until I go to bed. My hormones have been playing tricks on me. The sickness and the hormones keep me on edge most of the day. I feel like I should be happy because I m making a baby for Joel and I, but instaed I feel sad. The hormones amplify the pain I feel from the consequences of my sin and other people's sin. It feels like an invitation to seek God's face and hang on it, hang on to it for dear life.
Most embryos at stage 18 are approximately 44 postovulatory days old and measure 13-17 mm in length. Distinguishing criteria for this stage include cervical and lumbar flexures, distinct notching in the hand plate, the first appearance of the elbow, eyelid folds may appear in more advanced specimens, and auricular hillocks begin to form distinct parts of the external ear.
1 comment:
Wow! Look at that tiny sweet little cepin baby!!! I love him or her already!! Hang in there with the sickness stuff Blanca, it will get better, I promise! :)
Hermana Laura
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