Wednesday, February 11, 2009

drawing of my little sister

Finished before Estrella arrived! Will i ever have time to draw again? (typing with one hand is harder than
i thought)


Anonymous said...

There will be time to draw and do all kinds of things you love. And you'll be able to introduce Estrella to those things at some point too!

Hang in gets better! ;)


Ellie and her mommmy Andrea

Susan Cepin said...

That's beautiful, Blanca! You're so amazing with graphite. If it's any encouragement, most of my artwork has been produced since having kids. I've become much better at using small windows of time creatively than I was before the babies came along. And have been freed up to color and play, which is a gift they bring. So I think Estrella will bring lots of art into your life.... Once you catch up on your sleep.