Wednesday, August 20, 2008


We got rained on 3 times on Sat, but we still had a lot of fun!. It was so moving to watch Nela and Joel bonding. Joel would have really loved having a little sister. I can see already what a great dad he is going to be. He is one of the most gentle and serving person I have ever met, besides my dad. When I fell sleep in the hammock in front of the campfire, and it was starting to rain, he lovingly picked me (the hammock sits close to the floor) and took me into the tent and laid me down on the floor mattress. ALthougth I am only 15 weeks prego, i am not as light as before....apparently i blurted out while half sleep: please don't, the fire, Im pregnant IAM WITH CHILD!. and fell back sleep. I think i was trying to disuade him from picking me up afraid of being dropped. They all thought it was funny. I don't remember much. We also had a wonderful time of worship on the mountain Sunday morning, wich was also Joel's Birthday. Having Nela and Joel around, really helped me relax and not be so controlling. It was very relaxing and fun. We saw a baby hornytoad, butterflies, small frogs, sunflower stealing squirrels, the smalles fish ever, a big dead fish and more, I love camping!

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