WOW, it is a big family! Thank you to everyone who was able to come and to my mom and sisters who put it together.
Monday, December 8, 2008
Saturday, November 15, 2008
Third trimester coming: Bring it on! - 27 weeks
My little baby shrimp, how much I love you already. I think I was made to be pregnant. Iam absolutely loving being pregnant! It is such an amazing thing, nothing compares to it. God was good when he designed it this way. We have such a priviledge to feel step by step a life forming deep inside of me. Feeling the baby move has proven to be the most interesting joyful experience ever. I can’t explain how I feel when I feel this little bambino tumbling and rolling around inside my belly. It is so much fun to just sit and wait and think about what he might be doing in there to create such a commotion. He rolls, he tumbles, he pushes. Feels like little butterflies, sometimes, other times stronger moves that make for a bumpy looking stomach. Something alive in my stomach is making his little mark in my heart and the world already, or so it feels. I am learning to love my body more and more, my pregnant body that is. Baby Belly looks so cute, I like wearing tight shirts that reveal the roundness of my belly. It is most fun to go out to the grocery store or wherever just in a daze, walking slow, looking at things, just enjoying life. It seems like Iam rarely on a big rush anymore. I don’t know why but it feels as if I have the time to “stop and smell the roses”. Also I think my hormones have flattened out, that it is not as easy to get me worked up about little thing that I used to get worked up about. Like I said, I am loving this pregnancy. I know the third trimester is almost on top and with it it brings many more disconforts, but I don’t care, I am ready, it has been all worthed : Bring it on!
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
Conor Oberst at the Rialto
We went to see Conor Oberst at the Rialto this past weekend. That had to be the best/most enjoyed concert I've been to. The guy is really talented and sings with a level of expression that makes you want to keep listening. He is not over the top, so he is not screaming and yelling at the microphone, it is very suttle. He also played a few acoustic songs that were very enjoyable and easy to hear. It probably helped that the Rialto has a new sound system now and the teather wasn't all that full. We were able to have seats in the back through the show, but we were also able to stand closer whenever we wanted to. The only thing I didn't like was that some of the members of hte band were drinking beer on stage. Not just like taking a little sip here and there, but more like 'let me get drunk fast' or my 'drunken high is going away, need to replenish' The singer was switching between beer and water. I felt sad cause I have a feeling they are all alcoholics and feel that they can't perform or loosen up, or be more themselves unless they are drinking.
Monday, October 20, 2008
23 weeks - Life will TRIUMPH
I can't believe there is a baby growing inside of me. Not just any baby, but a replica of Joel and I and the result of our love for each other and our love for God (it makes me want to cry). I am most amazed with this whole baby thing. A little baby that is growing and growing without much effort on my side, a little life that has started making demands in our life. He will grow no matter what I do or not do. I feel like a mother plant, with a little seed inside of me that has everything he needs from me to just grow and become a human being. As giselita says, the whole pregnancy and baby is so complicated and such a sensitive and perfect system, that it is a real miracle when a healthy baby is born, yet it feels as if, even within that sensitive balanced system, it is such a resilient system that makes life triumph. Seems that life and the push to create more life is such a strong force in nature, that will overcome many a obstacles and almost with no effort at all will triumph and create another generation. I feel like I am merely a player, a peon taking part in nature’s master plan to carry on with life. I say that cause it feels that even if I don’t put a lot of effort into my pregnancy and go on with life as usual, the baby will grow and will ask for what he needs. I don’t have to remember to eat, cause my body gets hungry, I don’t have to remember to sleep, as my body will just shut down when it needs to or when I am reaching my limits. If I just go on with life as normal, with no additional effort it feels like the baby will grow whether I like it or not. Of course I want the best for my baby, so I try to eat well, to rest a lot , to not get too excited, but in the end I think those things are more for my benefit than the baby’s. Life will triumph!
It is starting to look like a house, like a BIG house
WHEW! Building a house takes a long time!, but our addition is starting to look like more and more like a real house. Black paper went up, then the windows and the patio door (which looks great) and now we are working on the siding. It has been a great learning experience for Joel and I. It really is not all that complicated, of course you have to have knowledge about how and when to do things but most of it follows common sense. The inspector of the house is a great guy (I will have to get a picture of him), he told us to call him if we ever have any questions on how things need to be done. He always calls us back, even when he is out of state on vacation ooops!. He saves us from a lot of worries and making things more difficult than what they need to be. YEAY for great inspectors. His name is Dan.
Six dogs, Four adults
We had a very interesting weekend a weekend ago. We had our beloved friends from Phoenix visit with their 3 dogs (we didn't get to see their little girl, as she was spending time with the grandparents). We don't get to see them that often so it was so nice to see them again. We did our usual Rocco's visit, which always proves to be a memorable experience, and just lots of hung out and talking and eating. We did attempt to watch the unrated version of latest Adam Sandler flick, which most of us agreed was a bit distasteful and offensive. You would think that 6 dogs is too much, but it was very nice having all this little creatures running around, they are so cute! even thought Gracie followed poor Rex around all weekend, nagging at him and acting as if he was something to be eaten. it was a great weekend, and that is not just because Doug cleaned our front and back yard, and helped trim our overgrown front mesquite and palo verde trees. Can't wait togo up and visit them in Phoenix
My beautiful niece's birthday celebration
Did you all know I have a beautiful niece named Ashton? of course. A couple weeks ago we went out to celebrate her very special birthday at Leo's Mexican food. We had good food and the best ice cream cake ever!... REALLY, Gelato cake (has a special name I can't remember) from Fratelli's on NW corner of Swan and Grant. A great alternative to regular, sometimes boring flour cakes, and it cost as much a normal store bought cake. TRY IT OUT!
Thursday, September 25, 2008
Citizen of the United States of America at last
Monday I became a Naturalized USA citizen. With almost 2000 people becoming citizens, it was the biggest group that Tucson has ever seen before. This commemorated moment was held at the TCC, like a huge graduation. All the people I am sure waiting for this moment, not really knowing how it could change their lives. For me, it started with feeling that it wasn't a big deal. I passed my test, the day of the oath came, and I didn't think much of it, but that it was a mere formality. I didn't realize until I was sitting down there preparing to do my oath of allegiance how much did this event really meant in my life. I realized, that up to this point I really hadn't belong anywhere. I left Bolivia when I was 15, I felt Bolivian of course, I had the legacy of the customs and culture, but I was just a child with not much involvement of care about the community or the country. When I moved here, I yearned for the familiar places but learned to adapt to this new but different world than what I was used to. I didn't feel like I belonged here, and there was probably a deep hidden hope that one day I might go back to Bolivia to stay there. I remember the first time I went back to Bolivia, probably after 5 years of being here. I was so excited, but when I got there it felt so different, not the Bolivia I remember,it had changed,or more importantly I had changed and grown. The point was that I didn't feel like I belonged there either. Becoming a citizen is giving me a place to belong, a place to call home, finally, a place to be proud of and a place to fight for. It is a big deal to me. I feel very thankful and empowered.
20 Weeks sonogram - HE IS ALIVE
Good bye nausea, welcome heart burn. I am now half way done and we had a sonogram yesterday, our only chance to find out the baby's sex, but we opted to keep it a secret.... For now it is a 'he' or a "baby shrimp" (he looked like a little shrimp on the first sonogram). Everything is well and healthy with the baby. We were able to see all his organs (I don't how they can tell, but they showed us different shaded spots and said that it was this and that, for all we know they could have been lying to us :-) ) The most amazing thing was that the baby kept moving around ! We saw him in action! HE IS ALIVE! he had his cute little feet crossed and at one point he did a little cat strech movement, streching his arms and legs. He is so cute and not so little anymore. The pics really don't do any justice to the baby, but I will post it as soon as we get a new scanner (old one is not working anymore). He really was cute, he kept turning his head, I must say it looks pretty cramped in there, poor guy, and its only going to get more crowded as he grows. I am so excited to feel him move, I can't imagine what it must feel like. I AM SO EXCITED, HE IS SO CUTE (I totally looks like his daddy of course). I Love him already.
Tuesday, September 16, 2008
Always use sunscreen EVERYWHERE
Thursday, September 11, 2008
18 weeks and counting

Almost half way done baking the baby in my uterine oven. Belly is starting to look bigger, but I am still waiting for that jolt of energy promised for the second trimester. As a matter of fact I am still feeling nauseous some days and don't have much of an appetite. Oh well, I guess i can't do anything else but wait. What I have noticed is that this is probably the first time I remember that I don't feel so self conscious of my body as I usually do when I am getting dressed. The fact that some clothes don't fit me anymore makes me feel excited at the proof that I have a life growing inside me. I don't mind wearing the so long dreaded fitting shirts anymore, instead I now wear them with pride, even though it looks to me that i more look fat then pregnant :-). My belly at 18 weeks pregnant looks and feels very much like my old belly when I was at my highest weight a few years ago.
Oh yeah, almost forgot, I did go to the doc's last week and my sugar was normal (so no gestational diabetes). Got to hear the anticipated healthy 140 heartbeat. Couldn't tape it anymore cause my pda is broken :-) beware those with a Mogul, the screen sensor seems to be fragile. Make sure you keep the shipping receipt as the warranty covers it for one year, with proof.
Friday, August 22, 2008
Baby's heartbeat at 15 weeks
Appt to the doc Wed went just fine. I was worried for nothing. Baby is doing good. Got to hear the heartbeat. At the doctor, I waited a long time before the doctor come in and then it was really short and quick. I did get a little extra time b/c she had to remove a cervical polyp. It hurt a little, then and afterwards but it feels better now. ALso, when they tested my glucose with a one of those little sticks, it was very high. I think it was just b/c I had just finished a bagel with cream chessee with lots of jam. Either way, they want to test again, before they do a more in depth testing to make sure I don't have gestational diabetes. I go in, in two weeks. Here is the baby's heartbeat. It was so nice to hear the baby, I got teary and almost lost it, which has been happening a lot lately.
Wednesday, August 20, 2008
I SAW THE LINE - 15 weeks prego
On another note, I have been feeling the full weight of my sin lately. Joel, probably for the first time 'wounded me in love'. He reflected to me the consequences of my sin, and he called it for what it was. It hurt so much, I felt exposed and full of guilt. I feel like I have been excusing my sin with my woundedness. But he called me on it and said it had to stop. It felt like a piercing knife through my heart. Exposed, with nothing to say, cause i know its true. He was very kind but firm. That is probably the most loving thing he has done for me. I weights so much on me that I hurt Joel. I know for a fact that I can't change on my own, that i need God. I need God's mercy to save me from myself.
Dogs are going to miss Nelita
Ok, the dogs are not the only ones to miss Nelita. I am really going to miss her. It has been a while since I got to spend lots of quality time with her. She isn't a teenager anymore, it is so much easier to talk to her. She actually responds and wants to know things. I still got hooked a couple times in trying to tell her what to do or how to do things. Her maturity made it a lot easier to trust her and to wait and watch. She is so lighthearted and sweet. She seems to take the little annoying things about life with patience and doesn't get bugged down easily. I'm sure there are negative things about her, but this traits really touched me as I recognize that at one time i was like more like that. I wonder what happened to me that sometimes i am so afraid and anxious. That i can let little things bother me and sometimes I can't let go. Is it just age? When did I decide that life was so serious? I know I am not like that as much anymore. Living with Joel reflects to me the way i really want to live. Nelita's visit also brought some painful memories and actually some convicting memories, as she asked questions about my past. It was good, she is probably at a point where she can handle some of my shameful and painful memories. I really enjoyed having her around. My mom is always saying that Nela is very much like me, both in looks and character. Living far away probably affords us a special kind of relationship. Ok, some funny corks about my sister: she is always thinking about food, her next meal, gets excited about special food, etc. Also I can tell that she is going to be a great cook when she has her own space.
We got rained on 3 times on Sat, but we still had a lot of fun!. It was so moving to watch Nela and Joel bonding. Joel would have really loved having a little sister. I can see already what a great dad he is going to be. He is one of the most gentle and serving person I have ever met, besides my dad. When I fell sleep in the hammock in front of the campfire, and it was starting to rain, he lovingly picked me (the hammock sits close to the floor) and took me into the tent and laid me down on the floor mattress. ALthougth I am only 15 weeks prego, i am not as light as before....apparently i blurted out while half sleep: please don't, the fire, Im pregnant IAM WITH CHILD!. and fell back sleep. I think i was trying to disuade him from picking me up afraid of being dropped. They all thought it was funny. I don't remember much. We also had a wonderful time of worship on the mountain Sunday morning, wich was also Joel's Birthday. Having Nela and Joel around, really helped me relax and not be so controlling. It was very relaxing and fun. We saw a baby hornytoad, butterflies, small frogs, sunflower stealing squirrels, the smalles fish ever, a big dead fish and more, I love camping!
Nela's visit Swimming with dogs
The weather has been perfect to swim. Nela was here for 10 days visiting. The first four days she was a listener on a Potter's Wheel II. The last 3 days we went camping. THe other days were spend just hanging out, cooking, shopping, movies, eating. Here are some pics from swimming. We taught our dogs how to get out of the pool.
Tuesday, August 12, 2008
Framing is almost complete
Tuesday, August 5, 2008
Finally 13 weeks pregnant

Finally 13 weeks pregnant, but I am still feeling sick to my stomach. Eating during the day has become easier, but the nausea hasn't ease up at night. Today I thought was the first day of no nausea. I started with a glass of milk with a chai tea mix. Then some blueberries with yogurt, followed by 4 sticks of Twizzlers. I had an early lunch of spaghetti with meatballs leftovers followed by fresh cherries. Then I munched on a handfull of pistachio nuts accompanied by a another handful of peanuts. Then a handful of peanut M&Ms. Someone brought some sourdough pretzels and I had a few of those. At last for my afternoon snack I had a green apple with some cottage cheesse. All that before dinner. This was definately better than before, as before I couldn't stand the sight or smell of chocolate. Probably the reason I wasn't sick and was able to eat was cause I always had something in my stomach, because by dinner time I was feeling so sick that it was hard to eat again. Its definately getting better but it looks liek I still have a few more days or weeks to go. One thing Iam learning is that when I am feeling sick is not the best time to try to talk about important sensitive stuff. Oh well, i guess I am a slow learner.
On the good side of pregnancy I am not feeling as tired anymore, at least not everyday, more like everyother day :-)
On another note, my little sister is coming to visit this weekend, and will be here till the 17th. I am really excited to see her. I don't get to just hang out with her alone too often, as when I go visit to VA my other sisters are also around. I don't want to miss who she is becoming as she grows into a beautiful young lady. I am excited to find out more about her.
Looking forward to no sickness, liking food again, and more energy.
Tuesday, July 15, 2008
56 postovulatory days (about 10weeks)

I feel useless, can barely handle a task at a time. Still having trouble just resting. Always feeling sick and tired. It feels like it will never get better. I asked Joel if I've always been this way. He said no way (thank God). But what can I expect, I am, after all, making a new human being that bears God's image and has a little bit of Joel and me in him too. That has to be enough for now. Trying to rest on the gifts God is putting front of me, and the hope that this will end soon. My baby has made it this long now, 10 weeks, a week and a half longer than last time. The pain of the lost baby doesn't seem as sharp anymore, still sad, but not as sharp. God follows through with his promises, even some that we are not aware of yet. I feel like I am in the middle of a passageway looking into the open future with hope and excitement. A new chapter of my life is starting and it feels like God is leading the way.
About Carnegie Stage 23 Most embryos at stage 23 are approximately 56-57 postovulatory days old and measure 23-32 mm in length. Distinguishing criteria for this stage include fusion of the eyelids at the medial and lateral margins, clear distinction of the subdivisions of the upper and lower limbs, the forearms appear at or above the level of the shoulders, the superficial vascular plexus of the head is very close to the vertex, and the external genitalia are well developed but not always sufficiently to distinguish the embryo's sex.
Thursday, July 3, 2008
44 Postovulatory day

Finally starting to look like a baby! May be thats why the nausea has been getting worse. I can hardly think when I feel sick which is most of the morning and then eases up at miday to start again early afternoon until I go to bed. My hormones have been playing tricks on me. The sickness and the hormones keep me on edge most of the day. I feel like I should be happy because I m making a baby for Joel and I, but instaed I feel sad. The hormones amplify the pain I feel from the consequences of my sin and other people's sin. It feels like an invitation to seek God's face and hang on it, hang on to it for dear life.
Most embryos at stage 18 are approximately 44 postovulatory days old and measure 13-17 mm in length. Distinguishing criteria for this stage include cervical and lumbar flexures, distinct notching in the hand plate, the first appearance of the elbow, eyelid folds may appear in more advanced specimens, and auricular hillocks begin to form distinct parts of the external ear.
Sunday, June 29, 2008
Almost 8 weeks Pregnant

Is he ever going to stop looking like a little shrimp? i hope so. I am still having nausea almost all day long. I am craving mostly fresh fruits and fresh vegetables. The thought of eating anything else grosses me out, especially protein, but I make myself eat some anyways. Going to see the doctor for the first time this coming up Tuesday. Looking forward to it.
About Carnegie Stage 17Most embryos at stage 17 are approximately 41 postovulatory days old and measure 11-14 mm in length. Distinguishing criteria for this stage include distinct digital rays in the hand plate, a rounded digital plate in the foot, a complete complement of hillocks on the mandibular and hyoid arches, distinct nasofrontal grooves, and a slight indication of a lumbar curvature.
Just a fun pic of chapo wearing booties
On with the concrete slab
Monday, June 23, 2008
6 weeks pregnant
I have been feeling very pregnant the last few days. That is I have been feeling sick all day long. Strong smells make me want to throw up, including my husband's deodorant and cooked brocolli. Coffee and chocolate I can smell a mile away and I will do anything to avoid being near them, especially burned coffee. Yuck!. Did I mention that my hair is falling out? yeah, by the handfulls. Oh well, I heard it regrows (cross my fingers)

Most embryos at stage 15 are approximately 33 postovulatory days old and measure 7-9 mm in length. Distinguishing criteria for this stage include the appearance of nasal pits and hand plates. The lens vesicles are closed.

Most embryos at stage 15 are approximately 33 postovulatory days old and measure 7-9 mm in length. Distinguishing criteria for this stage include the appearance of nasal pits and hand plates. The lens vesicles are closed.

My little sister Gisela got engaged this past weekend. The girls (sisters) called me on Sun morning to tell me. They woke me up, and then they were yelling and screaming on the speaker phone, I have crazy sisters. I am so happy for my sister and her fiance. They don't have a date set yet, but after my sis is done with the step two test they will set something up. I wonder how my parents feel. My mom is in Bolivia.
Tom Waits
This past Tuesday we went to see Tom Waits at the Orpheum Teather in Phoenix (what a beautiful teather that was) It was pretty amazing, there had to be at least 100 instruments on stage, but not even half of them were used. Tom is definately an entertainer and there is something about the way he sings that makes you not want to take your eyes off him. At least, I can't stop looking at him. He was very personable and talked and joked with the audience. It was a very nice experience.
Tuesday, June 17, 2008
Bowling with my Dept
Not too long ago, my department went bowling. Mind you I am a horrible bowler who is thrilled if I break 100. On this occasion, we played teams of 4, my team being my team lead and the other two guys I work with. I BEAT THEM. Here is the victory picture, and my bowling technique that won me the game.
more pics at picassa:
5 weeks pregnant
Despite all my fears of losing my baby, I am now 5 weeks pregnant (LMP). The past 3 days I have had the honor of experiencing that awful feeling of nausea. Feeling like I want to throw up, but not quite, sometimes so intense that I can't concentrate on anything else but how sick I feel. Tiredness is also taking a toll, I don't understand why, since the baby is merely the size of a sesame seed, how much energy does he really need? I've noticed that no matter how much sleep I get (and I've been getting at least 9 hrs the last few days) I will not be able to stay up right after lunch. Yesterday, sitting at my computer station at work, my coworker sitting next to me, and I was dozing off. That hasn't happened since I used to take naps in my office in the afternoons a few years ago. I might need to go back to that. Oh well, most of my coworkers don't know I am pregnant yet.

Potter's Wheel
I just finished shadowing a Potter's Wheel 1 this past week. Even though, as a shadower, I don't go in the "Hot Seat" (intense and straight to the core, time with God with the help of a counselor) I always leave bleeding, but more alive. Aware of my own unmet longings and of my own persistent wrong strategies to protect myself from pain and complete dependance on God. I don't have all the answers and that unnerves me, but I know thats the place where God wants me. I feel that the poeple that go throught this come out always with open eyes, with hope and closer to Jesus than before. I wish that all the poeple I care about and love would go throught something like this.
Tuesday, June 10, 2008
Pregnancy Blood confirmation
Yep, its official now. Blood test came back positive for pregnancy. About 4 to 5 weeks they say. Luckily I don't have a lot of the symptoms yet, at least the ones I have are very mild. Am I really pregnant? its hard to believe.... or am I just afraid to hope and rejoice. We, Joel and I decided we were not going to tell people until at least we knew things were progressing without any problems. But I guess I used the term 'people' loosely. Of course ' people' does not include our families, and a couple days later, 'people' did not include my boss and my teamlead, my roomate, my friends, my old roommate, my neighbors or the wifes of the guys Joel plays basketball with. A friend told me today, that not telling people for me meant that the people at Safeway did not know about it.... I guess she is right. The poeple at Safeway don't know about it cause I don't go to Safeway that often. Hehehe.
So it looks like I might be pregnant. This past weekend I tested positive twice with the Pregnancy sticks. I will post a pic. I did get my blood drawn yesterday to verify and make sure everything is in order. So I will know for sure in a coulple of days. A lot of people are praying for us and the baby, it feels comforting to know that the baby and I are sitting in God's lap, being conforted and taken care of by him. I can't deny that there is still a hint of pain, remembering my last baby. Patti says that my not a single page of my story and that of my children will be dropped or missed by God.
Basketball League finals
Last night Joel played in the finals in the IBM Basketball league. Joel's team had to beat the other team twice in order to be champions. We beat them by a lot the first game. Joel played his best game ever, scored 18 points. You should have seen him, he was making almost every shot he took, it was exhilarating. We lost the second game which made the other team the champions. I am kicking myself cause I didn't take any pictures or videos, but may be nex time. The other team didn't play very clean the second game, which made mad and I started screaming from the bench that they should play clean. But I had to stop otherwise, a friend said, we could have gotten a technical.
During the second game I got to play with the baby of our team captain. This was the biggest two month old I have ever seen. While talking to the wife (had talked to her a lot during past games) I found out that they were christians. It was very encouraging, we will be keeping in touch.
During the second game I got to play with the baby of our team captain. This was the biggest two month old I have ever seen. While talking to the wife (had talked to her a lot during past games) I found out that they were christians. It was very encouraging, we will be keeping in touch.
Wednesday, May 28, 2008
Visiting my fam in VA
Tuesday, May 27, 2008
Coming out of Darkness
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